Senin, 19 Maret 2012

Usaha Modal Rp 3 Jutaan, Roti Bakar Bandung


The most popular toast is often associated with the city of Bandung. Perhaps the business was originally developed in the city or most merchants from West Java. When the toast is not only belong to the city of Bandung, because it was developed in the stout place.

By: Anwar Yuyun
Culinary Consultant and Author Indonesia

The mention of the type of business just to make toast. Bandung toast is usually sold with a cart on the sidewalk, curb, or other strategic places. Toast a la cart was most common in the afternoon.

Why popular toast? Toast trend enjoyed good food when the air is not hot (night or early morning). The trend is creating new demand for snacks that are tasty and delicious. Toast made ​​from white bread can be a satisfying alternative to sometimes as a substitute for dinner or breakfast.
While the various contents of either chocolate, milk, cheese, and so become an attraction more so it is not boring. Suitable as toast warm tea, milk, or coffee. Snack was originally home to breakfast a snack food 'city' become a much sought after food when walking or traveling with a "hang out" or even a souvenir to take home.

Toast of business opportunities is very open because in addition to many fans toast, toast products are well known also for how to make it very easy. Another advantage of raw materials of bread and a variety of content is so readily available in modern stores or traditional markets. This business is not a lot of cooking time to dispose of because there is order. If not sold, the bread and the full content of the material can still be sold tomorrow or the next day.

The most important thing that venture capital is very small. With capital under $ 3 million, selling toast can be done. The most expensive is the wagon investment following cooking utensils. While operating costs to adjust to the target turnover.

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